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Special Needs

Step into compassion and care with our little feet heroes! At Little Footprints, we stride alongside every child, ensuring their unique needs are met with comfort and confidence. Our dedication to children with feet disabilities and special needs goes beyond shoes; it's about empowering each step they take. Share with us your journey – whether it's extra-wide fittings, orthopedic support, or sensory-friendly designs, we tailor solutions to fit their world.

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Orthotic Devices

Asics Noosa TRI 16 G Bold Magenta-Cool Grey 1012B675-500 Littlefootprints Calgary AB Canad
Take a Look
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Sensory Needs

New Balance GSB80 B Green White GSB80GRN Little Footprints Calgary Canada_edited.png


Why Little Footprints ?

Facts or Fiction ?

First Pair of  Shoes

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